Temporal Closure of the Baba Yara Sports Stadium

Renovation works at Baba Yara Sports Stadium in Kumasi, and Esipong in Takoradi has begun. This was announced yesterday after the visit of Minister of Youth and Sports, Hon Isaac Asiamah, and Director General of National Sports Authority, Prof Twumasi, to the Kumasi stadium to inspect work being carried out by the contractor. The renovation works in both stadiums is first in the last 13 years and it’s expected to replace the weak pitch, scoreboard, flood lights, and general water, sanitation and seating systems.

Works in the Baba Yara Sports stadium would be paused to host this year’s 6th March Independence celebration and then resume afterwards. The Accra Sports Stadium renovation is at it final phase and so is that of Cape Coast Stadium. Various match fixtures within the stadiums world be shifted to alternative venues. Thanks to the President for his support in sports infrastructure development. Ten new stadiums are also expected to be added across the country this year after their commissioning by the President.