The Director General of The National Sports Authority, Professor Peter Twumasi on Wednesday 5th August, 2020, inspected the pitch at the Accra Sports to ascertain its current condition and preparedness for future sporting activities.
This is the fifth of his routine inspection of the pitch in this era of covid-19 pandemic. He took the opportunity to reiterate his commitment to ensuring that the pitch is always kept in a good shape.

The Estate manager at the NSA, Mr. John Ebo Andorful in a brief interview stated that his team has been working tirelessly on all patches on the pitch to ensure that they are in good condition. He said that this has been going on since sporting activities was brought to a halt as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Mr. Ebo further assured the sporting fraternity that the Accra Sports Stadium pitch will soon be ready for any sporting event, as His Excellency President Akufo-Addo in his last address gave the green light for the Female National U17 and U20 teams to prepare for their respective qualifying games.

The Accra Sports Stadium saw a major facelift after its renovation in 2018 to host the Africa Women’s Championship.
Ebenezer Gyamerah
5th August, 2020.