MOYS, NSA Induct members of the Maiden National Juvenile and Youth Boxing Team

On Friday 11th June 2021, The Director-General of the National Sports Authority, Prof. Peter Twumasi represented the Minister of Youth and Sports, Hon Mustapha Ussif, to induct members of the maiden National Juvenile and Youth Boxing Team established by the Ghana Boxing Authority and Ghana Boxing Federation (Amateur Boxing) with President Akufo-Addo as the chief patron.

The project is coordinated by Lawyer Moses Foh- Amoaning is expected to recruit and train youngsters in boxing to churn out boxing champions of the likes of professor Azumah Nelson et al for the country. The Ministry of Youth and Sports and the National Sports Authority are involved in the management of the programme to ensure that the children receive both formal education as well as nurturing the boxing talents in them.

Also at the same forum, the University for Health and Allied Sciences (UHAS) who are currently collaborating with the National Sports Authority to improve the performance of sportsmen and women through applied science and technology, presented their final reports on anthropometric and nutritional assessment of juvenile, youth and amateur boxers. Led by Prof O. O. Omotayo of the School of Sports Medicine and Exercise, the team reported a significant influence of body architecture and nutrition on agility, reaction time and stamina of the boxers studied. Other scientific studies are expected to be carried out on the boxers as well as athletes from other disciplines.