The University of Health and Allied Science (UHAS) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the National Sports Authority (NSA) to pave the way for the two organizations to collaborate in running a new course in sports science in Ghana. Officials from UHAS had a fruitful meeting with Dr. Dodzie Numekevor, the Director General of the National Sports Authority and some Members of his Management team on Monday, 13th May 2024 at the Accra Sports Stadium.

Prof. Nii Korley Kortei, Acting Dean SSEM (UHAS) gave a brief background of the course which he said has gone through all the academic processes for it to be rolled out in June. He also highlighted on the engagements with the NSA since 2020, with leadership of the two organizations working towards a full collaboration in rolling out the new course which will be known as “Professional Practice Certificate Course. Prof. Dele Oladipo, Head of the Department of Sports, Exercise and Medical Sciences on his part stated that the course which will be run in twelve weeks will comprise of the Basic, Intermediary and the Advanced levels. The beneficiaries of this course are expected to be awarded professional certificates which will equip them to handle exercising regiments and gymnasium management. It is expected that UHAS will run the theory, whiles the NSA takes up the Practical aspects of the course respectively. Prof. Oladipo further highlighted on the experience gained when they were given the opportunity to work with Boxers who were preparing for the Commonwealth Games in 2021.

The Deputy Director General of the National Sports Authority, Alhaji Majeed Bawa, in his remarks said the collaboration between the two Organizations was welcoming, since issues with sports management falls under the mandate of the NSA and as a result will further enhance the scope of work of the Authority. He also stated that this initiative has come at the right time with the passing of the Legislative Instrument for sports, which contains issues with licensure and regulations of gyms in the country. Dr. Numekevor, the Director General of NSA on his part advised the UHAS Officials to pitch their proposals with the various Associations affiliated to the NSA in order to reach out to the various technical officers who are already in the sports industry and require certification in courses of this nature. In his closing remarks, Dr Numekevor further assured the UHAS Officials of his full blessings for the introduction of the course in the country and pledged to support this venture in any means necessary for it to be successful and beneficial to the general public.

Issued by the Public Relations Unit – NSA